Proposals for a National School Nutritious Meal Program

In October 2022, the Coalition submitted Proposals for a National School Nutritious Meal Program, a 23-page document informed by our 230+ organizational members that summarizes our recommendations and evidence, to Ministers Bibeau and Gould. As a part of the Policy consultation process we have re-submitted our proposals to the Government to inform their consultation and are now sharing this document.
The Coalition for Healthy School Food was delighted with the historic federal commitment in 2021 in the mandate letters of Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Karina Gould “to work with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous partners and stakeholders to develop a National School Food Policy and to work towards a national school nutritious meal program.”
In the fall of 2022 the government launched a robust process, Consultation on building a pan-Canadian school food policy to inform this Policy including roundtables, an online questionnaire, visits to school food programs and community meetings. The Coalition has fully encouraged their process and we applaud Ministers Karina Gould and Marie-Claude Bibeau’s efforts to hear diverse perspectives from across the country to inform the best possible program for Canada.
We are pleased to share our proposals to further inform the consultation process. Click the button below to download our proposal, and please share it with your local MP if you can.