#Nourish Kids now
Ready-to-print materials
* Photo by OCIC/Allan Lissner in partnership with Eel Ground First Nation and Canadian Feed The Children
NOURISH KIDS NOW - INVEST IN SCHOOL FOOD is a grassroots campaign that is calling on the federal government to make a cost-shared investment in healthy, universal school food programs, which would build on the investments of our provinces, municipalities and communities.
Reach out to MPs, candidates, MLAs, funders, school boards, teachers unions, mayors, trustees, etc. using our template letters. As your budget permits, you can also download these ready-to-print postcards and buttons so you can take action.
Template letters
download & print

Details to provide to the printer:
printed double-sided
4 x 6 inches
in color
with bleed (printing markings) of 0.25 inches
Ideally print on paper that contains recycled material (aim for more than 30%)
Ideally print on paper that is thicker than 13pts

Details to provide to the printer:
Ideally printed on a 2.5 x 2.5 inches round button