In September, during the federal election campaign, the Coalition was pleased to see the Liberal Party’s platform commitment under School Nutrition and Healthy Eating to:
“Work with our provincial, territorial, municipal, Indigenous partners, and stakeholders to develop a National School Food Policy and work towards a national school nutritious meal program with a $1 billion dollar investment over five years”, “to help children grow and learn”.
This platform commitment joined the New Democratic Party’s commitment and promise of $1 billion over four years in their fiscal plan. And the Bloc Québécois also supported school food in their responses to the Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition and the Quebec Chapter's respective letters, with a focus on seeking federal transfer payments to provinces and territories.
We also welcomed the other school food election campaigns from UNICEF, Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition, Canada Can Feed Kids Now Campaign, and Children’s First Canada.
We’re excited to see the emphasis on a universal school food program with nutritious food, cost-shared and negotiated with provinces and territories. Our Coalition is looking forward to working with the federal government to implement this commitment.
To show your support for a School Food Program for Canada and encourage your own elected representatives to support school food in Budget 2022, visit our #NourishKidsNow page and see the eight simple things you can do now.