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the Government of Canada announces
$1 billion over 5 years for a National School Food Program

Coalition for Healthy School Food enthusiastically welcomes today’s announcement by the Government of Canada of $1 billion over 5 years for a National School Food Program.


This investment will make a significant positive difference in the lives of children and families throughout the country.

Stay Active For School Food!

It's time to include a Canada-wide School Food Program in #Budget2024. Stay involved to help make sure the federal government honours their commitment to school food.

Our principles

All children should have access to healthy food at school. The Coalition for Healthy School Food works to lay the foundation for healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime and ensure that learning is not hindered by a lack of access to healthy food.

Canada is ranked 37th of 41 countries on providing healthy food for kids yet we don't have a national school food program. The Coalition for Healthy School Food advocates for increased investments in school food programs to ensure all kids have access to nutritious meals every day. But what would such a program look like?

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FoodShare/Laura Berman/Greenfuse Photography

Thanks to our major contributors

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The work of the Coalition is supported by the in-kind support and financial donations of our members, individual donors and supporters.

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