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Towards a National School Food Program

Writer's picture: Coalition TeamCoalition Team

The Coalition for Healthy School Food invites all supporters of a national school food

program to join with us in the next steps of our #NourishKidsNow - Invest in School Food activities.

Lots has happened in 2019 so far, and we can look forward to more activity when it comes to building broad public consensus and support across all political parties for the importance of federal involvement in a cost shared universal school food program.

  • January 22 -- Canada’s new food guide was launched in Montreal. The new guide calls out the need for a National School Food Program to support the next generation’s healthy eating.

  • February 28 -- Senator Marty Deacon speaks in favour of Motion 258 underlining the importance of federal involvement investment in children and youth nutrition and health.

  • March 19 -- Federal Budget includes first ever national commitment to work with provinces and territories on the development of a National School Food Program.

  • April 4 -- Electronic Petition 257 receives 3696 signatures calling on the”Minister of Health to implement an adequately-funded national cost shared universal healthy school food program, enabling children to develop the food and nutrition habits they need to lead healthy lives and success at school.”

We can expect discussion when MP Julie Dabrusin stands up and reads the petition in the house and as the Senate continues to discuss Motion 258.

Over the next few months, stay involved:

Follow us and spread the word!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Become a member

As a non-profit organization you can become a member or supporter of the Coalition’s position paper.

This election, speak up for school food

Go visit your MP and seek their support for school food.
Find out which candidates are running in your riding and go visit all of them and ask for their support for a cost shared national school food program.
Consider organizing a special All-Candidate meeting on school food through Eat Think Vote 2019
Attend Eat Think Vote events and ask questions about school food.

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