Member organizations have voting and decision-making privileges, receive regular updates on advocacy efforts, school food research and best practices and meet at least four times per year at the national level to inform the direction of the Coalition. Members are invited to attend additional national information-sharing meetings as well as provincial and territorial advocacy and networking activities when offered in those regions. Click here to learn more about the Coalition's governance.
Membership is free, but we do encourage member organizations to make a contribution to support the Coalition's work.
Email our coordinator for more information at schoolfood@foodsecurecanada.org
The Coalition is an advocacy network of non-profit organizations. Membership in the Coalition is open to non-profit co-ops and social enterprises, unions and networks made up of non-profit organizations who support the mission and vision of the Coalition. Organizations such as charitable foundations that are at arm's length from a for-profit company are not eligible for membership in the Coalition. Non-profit organizations can also join government bodies in endorsing the Coalition’s Position Paper.
Becoming a Member Organization
Non-profit organizations become Coalition members by filling out the Become a Member form.
Members actively participate in Coalition initiatives and inform the direction of the Coalition’s work.
See our full Terms of Reference to learn more about what it means to be a member.
*Note: Your provincial or territorial chapter may have its own Terms of Reference with additional information for members; check your provincial or territorial webpage for details.
Individual supporters are encouraged to stay informed by signing up for updates.